How to Become a Famous Singer - Wizard Services

How to Become a Famous Singer

It is said that less than 1% of the musicians can actually make a living off of music. This post will teach you how to be one of them.

1. Be patient.
Miracles can't happen overnight. You should be really patient and never get discouraged or give up. It takes a lot of work and patience, if you have these 2, you'll achieve what you want.

2. Youtube is your place.
If you have a camera or phone, which you probably have, you should totally upload some covers of you singing to songs. A great idea is to watch out for huge single releases and release your cover a few days later. That will make your video relevant to youtube and will get you new fans.

3. Write songs.
Write your own songs and connect with artists and tell them to sing them. This will give you big exposure to new opportunities and audience.

4. Be social.
You should have as many musician friends as possible. You should also have connections with record producers and record labels. It's important to have connections with producers because that may give you an opportunity for a contract with the label. 

5. Improve.
So you started uploading on youtube and started getting your first views. Great. See the comments, check your ratings. You should improve all the time to meet your audience's 'requirements'. If people say that the lightning is not good you should fix it ASAP.

6. Be active on social media.
You should upload your covers on Instagram, facebook, and twitter. Make sure to tag the original singers. Artists usually look through their tweets and if a singer happens to see your video they may give you a shout out or retweet you. It's really worth it.

7. Be unique.
Don't be afraid to try new styles and you should actually do it often. This will get people's attention immediately. If you are not really unique, it will be much harder, if not impossible to become famous as a singer.

8. Your image is everything.
You have to work all the time into improving your voice. It's important to take care of yourself and face. People love a nice face singing to them. Shoot a cover many times to find your perfect angle to look good on camera. This is something that many people skip, but it's really, really important.

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